Wednesday, November 12, 2014


Most attention in the Westbard Sector Plan debate has been directed towards developer Equity One's massive Westwood Complex of properties. But another landowner has a redevelopment proposal on River Road. The owner of The Roof Center property at 5244 River Road shared a potential redevelopment plan for its site with Montgomery County planners Monday. It would include a 6-8 story building with ground floor retail, and the owner is open to combining parcels with neighbors Talbert's and American Plant. Talbert's, of course, is the iconic beer & wine shop and convenience store that has been on River Road for nearly 60 years. It is unclear at this point whether Talbert's' owner has any interest in selling the property. The store has a strong local following, as do the Roof Center and American Plant. I am hoping that Talbert's can stay, or at worst, open in the ground floor of a future building on the site. It's unlikely parking would be as convenient under the new Sector Plan guidelines, however, as Talbert's front parking lot is today.

The owner of the Roof Center property feels that the zoning now in effect is too restrictive for height and density, and expressed doubt that River Road would be transformed into a pedestrian boulevard anytime soon, due to tight space. Parking remains a concern for a future redevelopment, as well, and the owner would like State Highway Administration planners to retain the median turning lane for businesses along the strip. The Roof Center plan references the existing high-rises, and a future senior housing tower, as the new norm for heights in the Westbard Sector. Such a change was strongly opposed by residents of Kenwood in a meeting with planners later in the day, as Kenwood Civic Association officers implored them to set firm, low height restrictions on River Road properties in the plan.

This concept plan does give a sense of what may happen along River Road in a few years from now, as multiple property owners may partner to create larger lots that will facilitate denser redevelopment. How tall and dense those projects will be is one of the major issues landowners, residents and planners are grappling with this week in the Westbard Sector Plan charette process.

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