Monday, July 7, 2014


Construction sites in downtown Bethesda continue to block sidewalk access for pedestrians, even though this supposedly forbidden under county law. Councilmember Roger Berliner (D-District 1) told me over a month ago that this situation should not occur under a law which was passed many years ago. Berliner said a waiver can be obtained under certain circumstances.

This weekend, several sidewalks were entirely blocked to pedestrians, denying access to citizens and potential patrons of businesses located beyond the blockades.

Regular readers have heard plenty about Fairmont Avenue. But yesterday, sidewalks on both sides of that street were again closed, rendering the street inaccessible to pedestrians. The 7770 Norfolk project continues to block sidewalks around its site, and the recent closure of the sidewalk alongside the Bainbridge Bethesda project continues, as well. On Sunday, the makeshift "pedestrian walkway" along the curb was blocked to wheelchairs and foot traffic alike, with a cone.
There's ostensibly a "walkway"
ahead for pedestrians on
Fairmont Avenue

See the cone ahead near the
other ramp? No room for
a wheelchair to pass. See the
blocked sidewalk across the
street? That's the 7700 Norfolk
project blockade

A new offender is the construction site at the former location of the Arlington Road post office. Apparently, a security fence collapsed outwards onto the Arlington Road sidewalk, and either no one bothered to pick it up, or no one is monitoring the site. Pedestrians were walking into oncoming traffic on Arlington Road, rather than crossing at Bethesda Avenue. Of course, with no sign to warn of the closure ahead, few are likely to take the time to do that once they are that far down the block. Drivers coming around the bend have no idea that someone will be in the road.
This fence has fallen...
and it can't get up

Pedestrians walking into oncoming
traffic around a blind curve on
Arlington Road on Sunday

No detour sign or warning

How this dangerous situation is being allowed to continue, is beyond me. If Montgomery County is serious about pedestrian safety, it's well past time to crack down on these violations. This is becoming a complete farce at this point. Is everyone keeping track of when I started reporting on this? Keep keeping track, so we find out how long deadly pedestrian situations are allowed to persist in Montgomery County.

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