Wednesday, September 3, 2014


The Donohoe Companies' Gallery Bethesda luxury apartment tower is known for its public plaza LED light sculptures. But the development is in the process of adding an additional public art piece to the outdoor space outside the 4800 Auburn Avenue building.

Jordann Wine, a Bethesda artist and Walt Whitman High School graduate, has been hired by Donohoe to further liven up the outdoor environment with a mural. Wine is now painting the 24' x 90' piece on the blank wall of an old building directly across the plaza from the Gallery. She just recently completed another mural downtown, on the side of the Quantum Building at 4912 Del Ray Avenue (see photo at top).

Wine says the Gallery mural will also utilize triangular shapes like the Del Ray piece. "I love working with triangles," she said Tuesday. "[T]hey are very geometric and sharp, but because of their three sides they have the ability to curve and create an organic sense of movement." The triangles on this new mural will fade from a very dark purple to a very light one, and there will be over 2000 of them in the finished work.

Wine has been working on the project for 5 days so far, and you can see the progress in these photos:


 DAY 3


You'll also notice that by Day 5 (yesterday), she had also painted a matching purple stripe along the top and bottom edges of the wall. Wine said when the mural is finished, it will be her largest work ever. Here is her own photo of her Del Ray Avenue work, to give you a sense of the direction she is going with this piece:
Photos: Robert Dyer @ Bethesda Row (top)
All others courtesy Jordann Wine

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